What happens when you type google.com in your browser and press Enter

Introduction to How the Web Stack Works

In today's digital era, the internet is a crucial tool, seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. Despite its frequent use, the complex machinery powering our online experiences often goes unnoticed.

Ever wondered what happens when you interact with a webpage or enter a URL? This blog post aims to demystify the internet's inner workings, providing an accessible exploration of the web stack - the fundamental technologies and protocols enabling our online interactions.

The web stack, the internet's backbone, facilitates the smooth exchange of data between users and servers. Each interaction triggers a sequence of intricate processes, delivering the content you see on your screen.

This exploration will delve into the web stack's components and their roles. By the end, you'll have a deeper understanding of the mechanisms powering the internet, equipping you to navigate the digital landscape with enhanced insight. Let's embark on this journey and unravel the web stack's mysteries!

Understanding the Client-Server Model

The client-server model is the backbone of internet communication. It’s a fundamental structure that manages data exchange between users and servers. Imagine you’re typing www.google.com into your browser, which is the client in this scenario. This action is similar to dialing a phone number and waiting for someone to answer. In this comparison, your computer is the client, and Google’s server is the responder, prepared to meet your needs.

But the client-server interaction is more than just a simple conversation. It’s a complex process that can be likened to a diplomatic negotiation. Visualize your browser as a proficient diplomat, skillfully navigating the complex network of internet infrastructure for you. It meticulously seeks access to the enormous data banks stored in servers worldwide.

Just as a diplomat represents your interests, your browser manages a smooth exchange of requests and responses. This process ensures a steady flow of data between you, the user, and the vast digital world out there. This way, the client-server model not only facilitates communication but also opens the gateway to the expansive realm of digital information.

Demystifying the DNS Server

The Domain Name System (DNS) server is a crucial component in our internet navigation. It's the first step in the process of accessing websites. For instance, when you type www.google.com into your browser, this action triggers a series of events. The first step is breaking down the URL, with a focus on the domain name google.com. But what does this process involve, and how does it connect to IP addresses?

IP addresses can be thought of as unique phone numbers for computers. Just as you need a specific phone number to call your friend, computers use IP addresses to identify and communicate with each other over the internet. However, remembering a string of numbers for every website you visit isn't user-friendly or practical. This is where domain names come into play. They are easy-to-remember names that represent the numerical IP addresses.

The DNS server functions much like a comprehensive phonebook for the internet. Its primary task is to map domain names to their corresponding IP addresses, simplifying communication between users and servers. When your browser doesn't have the IP address for a specific domain stored in its cache, it sends a request to the resolver, typically managed by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

The resolver then embarks on a journey through a hierarchical network of servers to find the IP address associated with the requested domain. This journey starts at the root servers, which direct the resolver to the appropriate Top-Level Domain (TLD) servers (like .com, .org, .net, etc.). The TLD servers then point the resolver to the authoritative name servers, which hold the actual IP address for the specific domain.

Each step in this journey brings the resolver closer to finding the exact IP address associated with the requested domain. Once the resolver retrieves the IP address, it returns it to your browser, which can then communicate with the server hosting the website. This process, though complex, happens in milliseconds, ensuring a smooth and efficient internet browsing experience.

Unveiling Protocols: TCP/IP

The internet functions on a set of rules known as TCP/IP, which stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. These protocols dictate how data is exchanged and communicated between servers and clients on the network, ensuring that the data transmission is reliable.

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is responsible for managing connections between devices. It ensures that data packets are delivered in the right sequence and without any errors. On the other hand, the Internet Protocol (IP) takes care of addressing and routing packets across the network. It ensures that these packets reach the correct destination.

Safeguarding with Firewalls

To fortify network security, servers employ firewalls which play a crucial role in strengthening server defenses against potential cyber threats and unauthorized access. These digital guards act as vigilant gatekeepers, carefully examining all incoming and outgoing network traffic to ensure it aligns with set security protocols and policies.

At their essence, firewalls act as advanced filters, scrutinizing the multitude of data packets passing through them. Each packet undergoes a thorough inspection, where elements like source and destination IP addresses, ports, and even the packet's content are carefully assessed. Through this process, firewalls can distinguish between harmless network activity and potentially harmful intrusions.

A key role of firewalls is enforcing access control policies, controlling traffic flow based on pre-set rules. By creating a virtual barrier between the internal network and the broader internet, firewalls act as the first line of defense, proactively blocking unauthorized attempts to disrupt network integrity and breach data confidentiality.

In summary, firewalls are steadfast protectors, continuously defending the digital infrastructure of servers against a constantly changing array of cyber threats. Their constant vigilance and proactive defense strategies are vital in preserving the safety and security of network environments in our increasingly interconnected world.

Ensuring Security with HTTPS/SSL

Once the IP address is obtained, the browser focuses on the https:// part of the URL, indicating a secure connection using HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure). HTTPS encrypts data exchanged between the client and server, safeguarding it from interception or manipulation.

HTTPS relies on SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or its successor, TLS (Transport Layer Security), to establish a secure channel between the client and server. SSL certificates validate the authenticity of websites, assuring users of secure connections.

Balancing Workloads with Load Balancers

High-traffic websites distribute incoming requests across multiple servers using load balancers. These software programs ensure optimal performance and prevent any single server from becoming overwhelmed, enhancing reliability and availability.

Load balancers employ sophisticated algorithms to allocate incoming traffic among server resources. By distributing requests evenly, load balancers optimize resource utilization, minimize response times, and improve scalability.

Serving Content: Web Servers and Application Servers

Upon receiving requests, web servers retrieve and serve static content, such as HTML pages and images. For dynamic websites, application servers handle user interactions, process data, and generate dynamic content. Together, they deliver seamless browsing experiences to users.

Web servers like Nginx and Apache specialize in handling HTTP requests, fetching requested resources from disk storage, and transmitting them to clients over the network. Meanwhile, application servers execute application logic, interact with databases, and generate dynamic content based on user input and system state.

Managing Data: Databases

The last step in our web infrastructure is the Data Base Management System (DBMS). A database is a collection of data, and the DBMS is the program that is going to interact with the database and retrieve, add, modify data in it.

There are several types of database models. The two main ones are relational databases, and non-relational databases. A relational database can be seen as a collection of tables representing objects, where each column is an attribute and each row is an instance of that object. We can perform SQL (Structured Query Language) queries on those databases. MySQL and PostgreSQL are two popular relational databases. A non-relational database can have many forms, as the data inserted in it doesn’t have to follow a particular schema. They are also called NoSQL databases.